Aquaculture and Art

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Aquaculture and Art

May 14, 2020


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This activity was produced by the CIRCA-IMET Artist-in-Residence, Lynn Cazabon

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Since January, Lynn Cazabon has been an artist-in-residence at IMET. This is part of a joint program between IMET and the Center for Innovation, Research, and Creativity in the Arts at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Lynn wrote about her project, which you’ll see samples of in the coming pages.

I have been capturing the labor of the science happening at IMET in the Aquaculture Research Center, focusing on the researchers and support staff at work, the animals that live there, and the ARC facility itself. My goal is to create a four-channel video installation that portrays ARC as a cohesive system or organism containing a multitude of ‘stories’ happening there on a daily basis. The videos here are samples of this work thus far, including the processing of mealworms for fish feed and maintenance of the ARC facility.


ARC maintenance

Mealworm sorting for fish meal