Entrepreneurship at IMET
Entrepreneurship is important at IMET. It's one of the most effective ways that we deliver on IMET's mission to integrate research excellence with education, training and economic development. You can read more about IMET's entrepreneurship activities below:
2020 Celebrating the 2020 REEF Class and Betsy O'Neill Collie joins Harbor Launch Team
2019 Dr. Nina Lamba to lead the REEF Program
2018 These two Baltimore biotech hubs are partnering to help scientist-entrepreneurs
2017 Podcast: What this Inner Harbor incubator is doing to support young companies
2016 IMET’s Harbor Launch incubator offers sweeping views, serious science
2015 IMET expands economic mission with incubator, office hours

Want to learn more about IMET and entrepreneurship? Feel free to get in touch with Dr. Nina Lamba, IMET's Assistant Director, or Betsy O'Neill Collie, the Business Development Manager.