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The US HAB-CTI will be accepting Letters of Intent (LOI's) through December 9, 2024 via email: An LOI must be completed in order to submit a full proposal. Full proposals must be submitted by March 3, 2025.
Before applying, please read the full 2025 Notice of Funding and Review Process
Letter of Intent (LOI) Requirements
LOI's will be accepted through December 9, 2024 (11:59PM EDT). LOIs should be submitted via email to with the heading “HABCTI25:_name of project”.
The purpose of the LOI process is to provide information to potential applicants on the relevance of their proposed project and the likelihood of it being competitive in advance of preparing a full application. Full applications will be encouraged only for LOIs deemed relevant; however, the final decision to submit a full proposal is made by the applicant. The LOI should provide a concise description of the proposed work and its relevance to the US HAB-CTI Program.
The LOI document should be no more than two pages (front only) in length, single spaced in 11-point font with 1-inch margins and should include in order the components listed below:
- Project Title
- Principal Investigator(s) Name(s), Title(s), Affiliation(s), and Contact Information
- Statement of Work Narrative: The control technology should be in the initial stages of research (Tier 1 or 2) but have potential to be a scalable, environmentally acceptable, and cost-effective control strategy to address the HAB problem. The emphasis of the narrative should be to introduce the HAB control technology and demonstrate that the applicants have the capability to implement the project. This capability must be demonstrated by a clear, concise, description of PI expertise (internal or collaborative) and plans for access to lab/facilities/infrastructure to conduct the research.
- Estimated Budget
Proposal Requirements
Full applications will be accepted through smarterselect website: due by March 3, 2025 (11:59 PM ET). In order to be considered, all proposals will need to meet the following requirements:
- Must be no longer than 12 months in duration with start date September 1, 2025
- Proposals must include:
- Abstract/Project Summary (1-page maximum)
- Project Title
- Principal Investigator(s) Name(s), Title(s), Affiliation(s), and Contact Information
- Project Abstract
- Project Narrative (5-page maximum)
- Project Significance
- Objectives
- Scientific Testing/Methodologies
- Future Applicability including potential future costs, ability for technology to receive permits, intended systems of use/scalability, and secondary benefits/impacts
- Timeline
- Roles and qualification of all team members
- Facilities being used
- History of the mitigation tool/technology including previous/existing uses, research, and regulatory approvals, if any.
- References Cited - will not count towards page limit
- Resume/CVs (max 3 pages per principal investigator)- Similar format to SciENcv is suggested.
- Budget - SF424A: Budget can’t exceed a total $200,000 which includes direct and indirect costs. Applicant institutions do not have to be members of an eligible NOAA approved CESU, but they must adhere to the relevant CESU guidelines and use the established CESU indirect cost rate: 17.5% applied to Modified Total Direct Costs. A 15% de minimis indirect cost rate may be used by any non-federal entity that has never received a negotiated indirect cost rate agreement. This rate would be charged against modified total direct costs. The budget needs to be submitted in SF424A format:
- Budget Narrative (no page limitation) - Should follow the guidance for NOAA Grants. Funding for conferences or workshops is not allowed under this funding call. Cost-sharing and/or funding matching is not required. Funding is not intended for capital infrastructure/lab items rather for salaries/fringe/indirect, travel, facility use fees, specific project related equipment, and supplies.
- Letters of Support or Collaboration (optional-no limitation)
- Abstract/Project Summary (1-page maximum)
Application Link - Now Open
Frequently Asked Questions
- Do I need to submit a LOI to submit a full proposal? Yes, LOIs are mandatory.
- How many projects will be funded? Estimated at 5-7, depends on award amounts.
- May I include using the IMET or Mote facilities in the RFP application? Yes, please contact IMET or Mote PI’s or scientists for detailed questions on facility capabilities and HAB culturing.
- Does the US HAB CTI include projects for HABs in the Great Lakes? Yes
- How is Intellectual Property handled for US HAB CTI projects and findings? The rights to any invention made by a University employee or other nonprofit research organization at an Institute under the cooperative agreement with NOAA are determined by the Bayh‐Dole Act, Pub. L. 96‐517, as amended, and codified in 35 U.S.C. 200 et seq. The specific rights and responsibilities are described in more detail in 37 CFR Part 401 and in particular, in the standard patent rights clause in 37 CFR 401.14. Reference the NOAA Cooperative Institute Handbook and there will be Special Award Conditions in the Sub-award for Data and Information
- Will there be another LOI/RFP application opportunity occur in 2026? Yes
- For questions please email