BioAnalytical Services Laboratory (BASLab)

The BioAnalytical Services Laboratory (BAS Lab) provides state-of-the-art sequencing services and instrument availability to promote advances in genomics and molecular biology research. Located at the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology in Baltimore, BAS Lab services are available to investigators from institutions nationwide.
The Bioanalytical Services Laboratory offers DNA sequencing services, including:
Next Generation Sequencing:
1. “Sequencing by synthesis” using NextSeq 2000 and MiSeq, Illumina
2. Nanopore Sequencing using GridION, Oxford Nanopore Technologies
Sanger Sequencing: 16 capillary-based dye terminator sequencing using 3130
XL Genetic Analyzer, Life Technologies.
BAS Lab has multi-user instruments available for researchers. Users operate
these instruments themselves. The list of instruments is here.
Other services include:
- PCR product clean-up and DNA sequencing
- DNA extraction and DNA sequencing
- Plasmid purification and DNA sequencing
- Genotyping
- Qubit Flex Fluorometer
- 2100 Bioanalyzer
- Covaris Ultra Sonicator
- DNA Flash Gel System
BASLab offers services at very competitive prices.
More information is available at: http://www.umces.edu/baslab
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