Luke Feeney

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Luke Feeney

Research Interests

Luke Feeney is a Lab Assistant working in Dr. Allen Place's lab in the Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology. He is currently involved in research on developing replacements for traditional fish meal based aquaculture diets using insect meal. Luke is interested in creating environmentally sustainable substitutes for fish meal, which are also capable of providing aquaculture raised fish with all the essential dietary components that they would receive in the wild.

Luke Feeney's CV

Area of Expertise:
- Aquaculture Feeds
- Fish Nutrition and Health
- Entomology

- Virginia Polytechnic and State University, BS, Environmental Science. 2018


close-up of a yellow-brown worm





Superworm Larvae (Zophobas morio) - A sustainable high protein food source.






Luke sorting superworm larvae using a flour sifter








Intern Olivia Lewis recovering superworm larvae from the sifter