Educational Partnerships

Building STEPS
Building STEPS provides programming to bright Baltimore City high school students with the goal of ensuring college completion and career success, particularly in STEM fields. During high school and college, many Building STEPS students intern at IMET, working in research labs and offices that support science research.

The Ingenuity Project
The Ingenuity Project's mission is to prepare and launch the next diverse generation of nationally competitive STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) leaders from Baltimore City Public Schools. IMET faculty host juniors and seniors for science research internships, speak at special events, and serve as science fair judges for The Ingenuity Project.

Baltimore Under Ground Science Space (BUGSS)
BUGSS is a non-profit public laboratory offering classes, seminars, and lab access so that anyone can safely and affordably investigate the living world. IMET partners with BUGSS for events and initiatives, including the Barcoding the Harbor project. BUGSS citizen scientists work with staff at IMET and the National Aquarium to collect samples of organisms, observe them under the microscope, and identify them using DNA analysis.